Waitinglists for shifts

When creating shiftplans using CrewPlan, you have the option to create a waitinglist per shift.

This is useful if you have more volunteers than needed to fill the entire shiftplan or if you are a volunteermanager at a venue with multiple events in a year.

Having waitinglists for a shift will allow volunteers to express interest in being assigned the specific task if a position should open up.

Enabling waitinglists are just a simple checkbox, enabling will add a new button Add me to waitinglist as shown below.

Above image is how a volunteer see's the available shifts, the shift friday (top) has no positions available, but the option to be added to the waitinglist. The user must confirm and have the option to remove themselves from the waitinglist should another shift become available.

From a volunteermanagers point of view, it becomes very simple to see if any volunteers are on the waitinglist for a specific position and with one click they can add the person to the shift. The volunteer will receive an email notification about being moved from waitinglist to the actual shift.